

Insights for Daily Living, June 30, 2008 - BACK ISSUE

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When nothing else works, the truth shall set you free.
The truth is not always pretty, sometimes it is downright
ugly. This could be one of those times for you.

I have been resisting rude behavior from nasty subscribers
but I am no longer resisting it, I am accepting it and dealing
with it head on...

I am including a editorial comment in the newsletter to set the
record straight after receiving a number of nasty and judgmental
notes from subscribers who unsubscribed but felt the need to tell
me off in the process. .

If you don't like my newsletter, unsubscribe nicely, please. Comments
such as'you got some nerve dick head' don't mean a thing to me.. Other
comments like 'This is multiple solicitation newsletter and not the spiritual
nourishing newsletter I expected' are not appreciated either. This
newsletter is not spiritual, it is human, it's very human and it F-R-E-E.
My newsletter is not only free but I spent $4,000 of my money advertising
my free newsletter so I could find subscribers like you.

I really don't know what goes on in the heads of people on the Internet.
People send me messages about my newsletter and leave comments
on my blogs that are beyond unkind. They say things to me in these
messages that are down right nasty, things they would never dare say to
me in person. As a result of one too many unwarranted nasty comments,
I have ended posting in my blogs and if I receive any more nasty comments
from subscribers to this newsletter, I will cease publishing it.

People complaining to me about a free newsletter that I worked hard
on to share insights that make a difference in people's lives are not
appreciated... I have received more complaints than compliments about
my newsletter. In the spirit of the 'law of attraction' I acknowledge I have
attracted those complaints and now I am un-attracting them.

If you are a judgmental, mean-spirited, spiteful person please
unsubscribed to my newsletter now... And when you unsubscribe, I
promise you, if you send me nasty comments, You will attract back from
me what you give out..That all being said, on with this issue of the newsletter.

--- Frederick Zappone

In regards to my blogs, There is a lot of good self-help and
law of attraction information up on my blogs and I will leave that
information in place for people who appreciate such information.
To visit one or all five of my self-help blogs, Click here


The Only Thing Between You
And What You Want.

Most people know that whatever they resist persists. What they don't know
is what they are resisting.

When you resist anything what you are actually doing is resisting a part of yourself.
It doesn't seem that way because you project your resistance out onto other people,
places and events. The fact is no matter how real your projections feel to you, who you
are resisting is a part of yourself. You are resisting your very own feelings that make
you believe you are resisting some person, place or event outside yourself that is
attempting to do you wrong....

In believing your resistance towards a person, place or situation is real and justified
your belief STOPS you from attracting what you want into your life.


Resist how another person is and they will always be that way.
Resist that you are sick and you will get sicker.
Resist that you don't have enough money and you never will.

Resist that you are fat and you will either remain fat or get fatter.
Resist that you are unloved and you will never experience love.

The way out of resistance is by allowing all that you are resisting to harmlessly pass
you by like clouds in the sky and it will. And in place of your resistance your life will
become filled to overflowing with all the good things you want.

Resistance prevents your good from coming into your life while allowing your
resistance to harmlessly pass you like clouds in the sky makes it possible for
all the good things you desire to show up in your life naturally and effortlessly.

What are you resisting in your life right now that is preventing
your good from flowing into your life today?


NON-SUBSCRIBERS: If you received a copy of this newsletter from
a friend and would like to subscribe to this FREE weekly newsletter,
Click Here

Insights for Daily Living Copyrighted 2008 By Frederick Zappone. All Rights Reserved.

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