

Struggle with Money NO MORE! (Give Me Your Feedback)


Making money is abundance is not rocket science. This article gives you a simple approach to attracting and creating the money you want. After reading this article, please leave me a comment and give me your feedback about the content of this article. Was it useful to you? Was it easy to understand? Did it help you understand something about your money situation that you didn't understand before? After reading the article, did it provoke any questions in you regarding your money situation? If so, what are they?


Struggle with Money NO MORE!

You say you have always had money struggles? You say you  never have enough money? You say you have always had a hard time making ends meet? You say you've worried yourself sick around money? You say you have felt a lifetime of stress around money? You say you feel powerless and ineffective in regards to making, acquiring or creating money in abundance? THAT'S ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE.


RULE #1 - You can't attract money in abundance to yourself by feeling bad about money. Conversely, you can't attract a lack or scarcity of money to yourself by feeling good about money.

RULE #2 - Feelings are cosmic magnets that go out into the universe and attract back to you either money in abundance or the lack of it.  If you feel bad about money, you will attract a lack of it. If you feel good about money, you will attract an abundance of it. (Your feelings have to be consistent in this matter.)

RULE #3 - Your feelings about money are the first physical evidence that something (good or bad) about money is in the process of coming true for you. 

RULE #3 -  Your concern about where or how money in abundance will come to you STOPS MONEY in abundance from coming to you. Give up the need  know how the money you want will come to you.

RULE #4 -  Do what you love for money. The more you do what you love for money, the more money you will attract to yourself (Often times you will receive money from sources unexpected, unexpectedly). Conversely, the more you do things for money that you don't love doing, the less money you will attract to yourself.

RULE #5 - Your beliefs about limitations around money create money limitations for you. In the future when you think of money limitations change that thought to 'infinite possibilities' regarding the flow of money into your life. Think  'infinite possibilities' (consistently) regarding money and the universe will show you more ways you can attract, make and acquire money than you can shake a stick at.

RULE #6. The less you are attached to attracting money in abundance, the faster you will attract it to yourself or  attract the inspired moneymaking ideas that will produce it for you. 

RULE #7 -  Your fear of the lack of money attaches you to lack and prevents money in abundance from flowing into your life effortlessly. When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired of experiencing a lack of money in your life, you will detach yourself from money. Once that happens, money will begin flowing into your life moving from a trickle to a flood in seemingly magical and mystical ways. Nothing magical or mystical about it, you will be experiencing 'natural laws' at work regarding money you yet don't understand.

(The quickest way to detach yourself from money is to 
be grateful for the money you have on a daily basis and 
those times when 'worry thoughts' about money try to 
take over control of your mind.)  

RULE #8 - You don't need one person in the world to agree with you about these 'money rules' working for you in magical ways that your logical  mind will not be able to explain. (Although Quantum Physics can explain these rules quite nicely)

Use these 'Gratitude Affirmations' as Money Affirmations

20 things I am grateful for regarding Money

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    If you are a first time caller, the first three minutes are FREE.

    Hi, my name is Frederick Zappone. I am a 'money coach' in the practical sense. I show people how to make, attract and acquire money with effortless ease by making a few simple changes in attitude.

    The only reason you don't have the money you want is that you have been lied to and misled by people who are in control of your money. People such as credit card companies, banks and other financial institutions. These institutions have very little interest in you making money off of them. On the other hand, they have a great deal of interest in making lots of money off of you. 

    Are you fed up with your money condition? Are you tired of worrying about money? Are you tired experiencing a lack and scarcity of money? Are you open-minded? Are you willing to learn new ideas about money that will put you on the path to financial prosperity easier than you think? 

    If you are, call me now for a conversation about your money issues. If you are a new caller, the first three minutes are free. All appointment calls taken on a first come, first serve basis. Call now to make your appointment with me. - Frederick Zappone 


    1. First of all, I am not sure what you mean about "feeling good about money", or "feeling bad about money".
      As a child, my family has always been short on money and has worried about having enough at any one time.
      I understand that what a person thinks about has a lot to do with scaricity or abundance, yet, the old saying "money makes money" is in reality, how it is, at least in this world.
      From your comments I would suppose that those that are homeless and those, at this moment losing their homes because of the recession, have "bad" attitudes about money. And if they would just change their attitude, they will receive the money they need or want?
      It is my contention that "abundance" has a lot to do with attitude and little to do about the amout of money available to you.
      Your comments?

    2. Keith, thank you for your comments.

      All Thought have consequences and the first place we feel the consequences of our thoughts is in the body. When we are 'feeling bad about money' we are thinking thoughts of lack and scarcity around money. When we are 'feeling good about money' we are thinking thought of abundance and prosperity around money.

      The thoughts we think 'activate the feelings we feel around money' and those feelings acting as 'cosmic magnets' reach out into the universe and attract money to us or a lack of it depending on the thoughts we think about the most regarding money.

      If you react badly (negatively) to people wanting from money from you, if you react badly to people asking you for a donation, if you react badly when a homeless person ask you for a handout, if you react badly when things break down that require money from you to fix them, your reactions tell you that have thoughts of lack and scarcity, regarding money, running on automatic pilot in the background of your mind.. Capture those scarcity thoughts when they come to your mind and replaces them with thoughts of money in abundance coming into your life and it will.

      When I say money in abundance coming into your life, it will come to you either in the form of money itself, from sources unexpected, unexpectedly, or in the form of inspired thoughts and ideas that will allow you to create money in abundance for yourself effortlessly.

      Keith, have my comments answered your questions? If not, ask me as many follow up questions as you want.

      Everything in life is created twice, first mentally, then physically, - Greg Anderson

    3. Follow up Comment:

      Of course homeless people and people losing their homes have bad attitudes around money and those bad attitudes only make a bad situation worse.

      The fact is homeless people and people losing their homes had bad 'money attitudes' long before they lost their home or went homeless. I am not talking like some arrogant insensitive slob about this matter, I am talking about this matter as someone who has been there, done that.

      At one time I lost my home and at one time I was a homeless person. My change of attitude about money changed my life from one of lack and scarcity of money to one of abundance.

    4. Frederick, this is the Graviton Ring movie script owner that you helped with the financial packaging for my screenplay...amazingly i am conducting an experiment today to test a theory somewhat like you express says:


      and the opposite, the more you LEAVE IT ALONE, the more it comes back to you...

      my third party mostly unknown testing arena is a TV program on tonight, so i will tell you later how it works out, just a hint: it involves some person and a LOT of money in a situation where there could not possibly be any effect from me, but the elements of your ideas here are roughly expressed already, and i will totally explain all that about midnight tonight :)

    5. Frederick my experiment is complete! My movie could benefit by some of the results. But this is the basic idea: On Survivor season 20, my efriends and I have been carefully studying the techniques of every player, and the outcome. So far, I am the ONLY person that I know to say the experiment has proven the theory: THE MORE YOU CHASE IT, THE MORE IT GOES AWAY...and the more you LEAVE IT ALONE, the more it comes back to you...

      Sandra Diaz Twine, a tiny Puerto Rican mother of two, has defeated 19 of the best, wisest, and strongest players, and won her SECOND million dollar prize! EVERY OTHER player throughout the entire season said I AM HERE TO WIN THE MONEY, and they ALL backstabbed and disrespected each other, as the game REQUIRES in order to win. However, Sandra said just a few days before she won the money, MY UNCLE IS HERE TO SEE ME, he was with my mother when she passed away, and now I have everything I wanted, winning DOES NOT MATTER TO ME ANYMORE! Sunday evening, Sandra won the second million dollars in her Survivor career of only a few recent years of playing an extremely brutal and demanding game which has nearly killed two very strong male competitors. This tiny lady, with nothing but her ability to tell when the other players were LYING or telling the truth, convinced a majority of her fellow players to give her a million dollars REFUSING that same prize to two of the most strategic and powerful players in 20 seasons. Sandra dropped out of useless trials which took strength and stamina away from her more competitive opponents, who then thought she was weak, so they never eliminated her from the game. A MILLION DOLLAR MISTAKE :)

    6. Great, great insights..

      There is an Old Persian Proverb that confirms your statement. The Proverb goes like this.

      'Whatever you pursue will flee from you.'

      We only pursue things out of fear of not having and fear, in most cases, pushes away from us what we want.... However, when we live in quiet confidence that what we want will come our way in the form of being guided to it or what we want finding its way home to us, it always does.

    7. Hi Frederick, you ask for a comment and I would like to do just that! I think alot of lack of money comes from growing up that way, we have it in our heads that we will never be rich..etc etc. Because thats the way our parents were, working hard for everything penny to make ends meet. If you could just find a way to get rid of all those thoughts and feelings.. Its hard! You have been programmed. But I think the one thing that inspires me is, find that one thing that you really love to do. (football..ha ha) and it will come. Another part of that is "finding" what you love... and making it work.
      Take care

    8. Maggie, there is a way to get rid of those thoughts and feelings, however, like becoming a excellent football player, to change ones thoughts, it does takes practice. I don't know if you read my post about changing thoughts but if you haven't, paste this link into your browser window,

      After reading that post, please leave your comments regarding whether or not you found it useful to you. As always Maggie, thank you for your thoughtful comments.

    9. i grew up rich - or at least i thought i was rich - and i feel that has definitely influenced my attitute towards money - i expect to have enough and i always do.

      however my bf grew up poor and expects not to have enough and he rarely does... and the one time i convinced him to trust the universe to take care of him and not worry about money - he layed in his bed for a month and spent the money he had - and the entire time i am sure he was thinking "when all this money is gone - i will be without money, etc." and i guess you know what happened...

    10. Dave, thanks for your comments.

      I know when I BELIEVE I will have more money I always do. There were times, in my life, I BELIEVED I wouldn't have money and I didn't.

      BELIEVE: to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

      For a belief to come true, it must be stronger than your disbelief by only 1 degree.

    11. the thing i worry about is that his negativity is rubbing off on me...

    12. Dave, people have a huge 'ego investment' in not only being right about their sad story but getting other people to believe in it to. The moment I find myself starting to worry that another person's attitude is pulling me down that serves an ALERT SIGNAL, to me, letting me know that I am, without thinking, giving my power away to them. The moment I realize what I am doing, I stop doing it. I then turn to people who share my thoughts about abundance and prosperity and allow people with their 'sad stories' to keep them while I go about the business of creating a magnificent story for myself.

    13. thanks frederick - i needed to hear that :)

    14. Dave, the more like minded people you and I attract to each other, the easier it is for us, individually and collective, to maintain the prosperous attitude we want that will result in us creating the money we want..

      Dave, feel free to comment as much as you want. I find your comments valuable to me.

    15. it is hard to stay positive when you are around negative people. and i have often noticed that the negative minded people get more negative the more positive i get - kind of like they are trying to balance out my positiveness or something.
      resentment (from them) often follows :(

    16. Dave, I agree, it is true. Often times negative minded people do get more negative, the more positive you become.

      I used to think I had to change negative people to be more positive like me in order for me to maintain my positive attitude. I now realize that if I ALLOW negative people to be negative, their negativity doesn't bother me at all.

      People have the constitutional right to be negative and who am I to stop them. I certainly have no interest in being a preacher to them by trying to convert them to my way of thinking. Quite frankly, I don't give a rat ass how negative people think. My job is to make sure I am thinking in a way that makes me FEEL GOOD. I do that by focusing my attention, moment by moment, on what I DO WANT and leave what I don't want alone and that includes leaving negative people alone to enjoy their own brand of self-imposed misery.

      I learned a long time ago that giving negative people any attention at all made me more negative. I learned to tune out the negativity of other people and that includes the people closest to me that I love dearly. When they go negative on me, I have trained myself so well to tune out their negativity that, literally, I can't hear or understand a word they are saying to me. These days all negativity sounds like a foreign language, to me, that I do not understand..

    17. dave, many years ago, one of my greatest college professors, at the University of Pittsburgh, used me as a test subject in his classes on person to person and small group communication, yes there is actually a movement away from a point of view that you VERBALLY express, when the audience is the least bit opposed to your verbal point of view, [even if you do not actually believe it, just SAY it] THEY MOVE AWAY from your POV and toward their original POV, this is only an initial reaction and there are ways to express your POV in ways that ONLY others will see in you, you may not be able to tell the change in their POV is coming from them seeing you succeed ! but the example you set NON verbally is so much more influential than the verbal expression :) my professor has gone on to be President of a university in Washington state...we recently got in touch again by email and i gave him the contact information of one of my efriends who is a beautiful woman who was on the TV show Survivor in Samoa just before the tsunami killed many Samoans !! Life is never easy, but i believe we can inspire each other to great achievements !
