

If you suffer from depression, you need to read the LIES about Depression.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this blog post is for educational purposes only. This message is posted with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering medical advice or mental health therapy of any kind. If you have a medical condition that requires immediate attention, please contact your doctor or your local healthcare practitioner. If you decide to apply any of the information in this message to your own life, which is your constitutional right to do so, the author is not responsible for the consequences of your actions.

Whether you realize it or not, you have been told many LIES about depression by well meaning but misguided people. In order for depression to disappear from your life, without pills, drugs or therapy, you have to learn what those lies are and replace them with the truth.  This is a start for you. 

To feel depressed from time to time is normal.  To remain depressed is abnormal. The thing that causes people to remain depressed is they resist and fight their depressed feelings rather than allowing their depressed feelings to harmlessly pass out of their body the way a baby passes gas.

Contrary to what the experts will tell you, depression is not caused by a chemical imbalance. A chemical imbalance is a result of the thoughts you are thinking that are causing you to feel depressed in the first place. Science has proven our thoughts have a profound, even lethal effect, on our body chemistry.  Negative thoughts depress the body chemistry while positive thoughts strengthen the body chemistry.

You feel what you feel for a reason, including feeling depressed. And the reason you feel what you feel is ultimately always for your good. Once you discover what that reason is, the troublesome feelings of depression will disappear from your life with no effort at all.

That all being said, when you are grateful for feeling depressed, rather than resisting those feelings, your depressed feelings will literally go POOF. My daily gratitude messages explain how being grateful for your feelings of depression allow your depressed feelings to surface and evaporate into thin air...

Taking pills to medicate and sedate your depressed feelings does not heals them and does not allow you to hear the messages of guidance and advice your depressed feelings are sending your way.

In life we are either fully expressing ourselves or depressing ourselves. Depressed people have lost their voice to fully express themselves, that's why they are depressed. 

What gives depression power over you is your fear of it. Your fear of your depression is a result of errors in your thinking. Once you understand what those errors in thinking are, you will eliminate your fear of depression and once that happens, eliminating depressed feelings from your life will be no trouble at all. 

If depression is an issue for you and you want to learn how to use 'gratitude' to make abnormal depression disappear from your life, sign up for my free daily gratitude messages today.


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