

How to Be HAPPY When 'Bad Things' Happen


I know first hand what the Connecticut shooting tragedy is like. I worked two blocks from Columbine High School when that massacre happened and worked with many parents who had children in that school including parents who lost their children in the gun fire that took place. The tragedy that took place in Connecticut today brings back a flood of unwanted memories that leave me feeling powerless and overcome with grief and sadness.

This latest shooting tragedy in Connecticut made me realize something important to my mental health.  After a tragedy happens, if I can do nothing at all for the victims and survivors involved in the tragedy, other than offer a heartfelt prayer or make a financial contribution, I should immediately let it go...  Why?

Because feeling bad about a tragedy that happened that I cannot change will not unchange it.  The only thing focusing on the tragedy will do for me is makes me feel worse. And since feeling bad helps no one, I choose to focus my attention exclusively on what creates more good in my world. And one of the things that creates more good in my world is being grateful for what I have rather than feeling bad or complaining about what I don't have.   

I am grateful for my 5 children and 14 grandchildren.  

What are you grateful for today? 

- Frederick Zappone 


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