What does it take to have a miracle happen in your life. First, you must believe in miracles. Second, you must believe God cares enough about you to grant you a miracle. Third, you must be open and trusting and follow the impulses of your heart that makes you feel good about yourself.
Miracles rarely, if ever, happen to unhappy people. However, they happen almost all the time to happy people who are able to be happy in spite of less than ideal circumtances.
The spiritual reason for this is; if God granted people miracles when they were unhappy then every time they wanted a another miracle they would have to become unhappy again for it to happen. God doesn't want us to be unhappy and that is why he rarely, if ever, rewards our unhappiness.
See next post titled Miracles, A.S.
All the miracles in that post that happened to me, happened to me when I was happy, in spite of less than ideal circumstances. In my whole life, not once has God granted me a miracle when I was unhappy. The lesson I learned is that being happy in spite of my circumstances makes it possible for miracles to happen in my life, American Style.
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