

Economic Collapse and the Law of Attraction

Financial empires built on greed and fear sooner or later collapse so it is no surprise we have the economic turmoil we have in the world today. Why am I not surprised is because the law of attraction is fair and just. What is built on greed and fear only attracts more of the same until the dead weight of it all causes it to fall apart. It falls apart when people can no longer keeps their fears in check and begin making decisions based on fear that lead to the panic selling of their financial assets.

Panic selling, like a tidal wave, spreads around the world causing more people to panic until total economic collapse becomes a reality. However it only becomes a reality for those people whose relationship with money is based on fear and lack.

People's whose relationship with money is based on the principles of abundance 'thrive and flourish' during economic hard times. On the other hand, people who are into fear-based thinking around money see their fears come true in regards to the lack and scarcity of it.

He who fears losing money always does...


Dissolving Subconscious Blocks to Your FINANCIAL Success, Click to read

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