

Creating Robust Health

Thought have consequences and the first place you feel the consequences of your thoughts is in your body. If a thought is negative and you don't allow the feeling associated with the thought to harmlessly pass out of your body, like a baby passes gas, it will burrow itself into your physical body and become, over time, trapped energy.

Trapped energy produces the experience of pain in your body. If you can't release the trapped energy by changing your thoughts, that trapped energy, in time, will become sickness and disease requiring the services of a health care professional.

To create and maintain robust health, pay attention when you are experiencing pain in your body. Pain is a communication from your body to change the way you think, once you do, the pain will disappear instantly and robust health will be restored to you immediately..

Get your Copy of the 'One MAGNIFICENT Thought', it will strengthen
you natural ability to maintain good physical health effortlessly.

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