

Turning Your Life Around....

This post is based on a question I received from someone who follows me on Twitter. I always respond to questions I receive by posting both the question and my answer to it up on my blog. I do this without using the person's name to protect their privacy. I also request the person leave a comment immediately after reading my response to their question. The reason fo that is so I'll know whether or not I need to clarify something I said to them so that my answer contributes to their sense of well-being. If you have a question you would like me to answer for you about relationships, love, health or money matters, click here

Ok Mr. Zappone what do you do when your life is so screwed up that you don't know where to begin. How do you gain peace of mind?

Answer: The thought that your life is so screwed up that you don't know where to begin to gain peace of mind is a POWERFUL one... It is that thought that stops you from achieving the peace of mind you seek.

The starting point to the peace of mind you seek is to realize that you are responsible for every thought you think AFTER YOU BECOME AWARE that you are responsible for every thought you think. In other words, up to this moment of time, you are not responsible for the people, places, situations and events your thoughts have attracted into your life. However, from this moment on, you are... DON'T PANIC ! Lol. I have an easy solution for you and it works a 100% of the time and it is free.

Scroll to the bottom of this page. On the left hand side you will see my SIXTY SECOND THOUGHTS subscription box. Subscribe to my FREE 60 Second Inspirational Thoughts that are e-mailed to you daily, beginning today, for 100 days.. All you have to do is read the messages I send you daily and before you know it, your life will be in such perfect working order that it will take your breathe away and move you to tears. That's my promise to you....

All that I ask in return is when you can afford it, is to donate a dollar or two in support of the free work I do of encouraging and inspiring people to deliberately create the life they want through the power of their own conscious thoughts...

If you wish, you can click on the comment link (see below) and leave any comments you have about my answer to your questions... - Frederick

Click on "comment link" to read the person's response who asked the question of me.

1 comment:

  1. That was simple but it made immediate sense. I will sign up for daily inspiration. My goal for 2009 was to become positive and to finally take control of my life. And now...I can. Thank you so much for sharing. May God continue to bless you for what you do.
