

Is everything OKAY!


Is everything okay, right now?   If it is not, it is the thoughts you are thinking that are making things not okay?  Thoughts that make you feel less than the magnificent, powerful person you are, are thoughts of lack and scarcity. Life is never okay when we think thoughts of lack and scarcity. On the other hand, life is AMAZING when we think thoughts of abundance and plenty. Before you experience abundance of love, health and money in your physical reality, it begins in your mental world.  It is the law.

Everything in life is created twice, first mentally, then physically - Greg Anderson

1 comment:

  1. boy have i seen this in action! someone close to me pretty much always has thoughts of lack and they lack lots of things where as i always have thoughts of there is plenty of everything and i always have enough!

    also i also have thoughts that whatever i need is close at hand only to notice that whatever i need turns out of be close by!

    ;) djh
