

Gratitude Floods the Mind with Inspired Ideas


Definition of Grateful:

1. warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received

2. pleasing to the mind or senses; agreeable or welcome; refreshing

When we express sincere gratitude to the universe for what we have (or had), we activate the 'organizing intelligence of the universe' to bring more good things into our life to be grateful for.

Expressing sincere gratitude produces unexpected MIRACLES in people's lives that defy logical explanation. Expressing gratitude raises our state of mind to new levels of positive thinking. It calls forth inspired ideas within us.  Gratitude renews our body and makes us feel younger almost immediately. Expressing gratitude for what we have is a simple practice that produces MIRACULOUS Results.

All the good ideas you read up on my blog that ring true for you are inspired ideas I received from the 'universe' as a result of being grateful for the good ideas the universe sent my way.

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