

Why “letting go” is vital to your success

Instead of diving into theory and telling you why the Law of Attraction works the way it does, I'm going to be discussing the action you need to take in order to bring about the manifestations. You will learn a little theory, but my main focus is on getting you to a point where you feel confident in knowing what you need to do to start deliberately creating.

This article courtesy of  Gary Evans, a masterful law of attraction teacher.

If you've known about the Law of Attraction for any amount of time, you've probably heard people say that you need to let go of your desires in order to see them manifest. Others say that you should visualize them every single day until they manifest. My own opinion on the matter is that "letting go" is one of the most important stages in the manifestation process. If you can't let go of the attachment to the desire itself, you won't ever be able to see it manifest for you.

A lot of people want to manifest more money, but because they really need to manifest the money, they find it difficult letting the desire go and releasing it to the universe.

You see... you create in two different stages.

The first stage of creation happens when you form the desire. As you see an unpaid bill, you immediately form the desire of wanting more money. It's automatic and it happens without you ever realizing that you're asking for more money. However, if you stay in this mode and never move forward, you're always going to be wanting. Wanting can never attract to you what you want, since wanting is the opposite of having it. It is the lack of it.

The second part of the creation process is when you get into alignment (being in harmony and happy) with your desires regardless of the people and circumstances that surround you. Getting into alignment is what will bring the manifestation into the physical world. Holding onto the desire and staying in the desire forming stage won't. If you want to manifest anything into the physical world, you've got to move out of the desire forming stage and into the alignment stage.

The “magical” alignment stage

There are two ways in which you can become aligned with your desires. They are:

● Believing
● Feeling Good

Believing - When you have massive expectation and actually begin to believe that you have what you’re asking for, in that moment you will become perfectly aligned with what it is you want and so the Law of Attraction matches like with like and ultimately yields you the stuff.

I feel that believing is the hardest way of getting into alignment since it requires a lot of focused attention on a specific. Of course, things happen in my own life every day simply because I believe they will happen… but deliberately changing my beliefs around things like money is no easy achievement. Affirmations and Vision Boards are example processes that are used to get yourself believing your desire is already here. Personally, I prefer to spend most of my own time using the second method of becoming aligned with my desires…

Feeling Good - Most newcomers to the Law of Attraction don’t think I’m serious when I tell them that all they have to do is feel good and they will manifest the stuff they want. It really is that easy! The Law of Attraction doesn’t hear or see your thoughts. It responds to your vibration which is primarily affected by your feelings. If you feel good, then in that moment you’re in alignment with everything that you consider to be good. That includes more money, the 5 bedroom home, the new car, love relationships, better health... etc. Some examples of feel good processes are; meditation, walking, singing, painting, dancing, petting your cat, etc.


Note: I am deeply indebted to the incredible contribution Gary Evans has made to my life. If you would like to learn more about Gary Evans 'law of attraction' work, click here - Frederick Zappone  

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