

The Power of Self-Praise - It WORKS!

PRAISE: the act of expressing approval, admiration or appreciation,

For self-praise to produce tangible results in your life, after you
praise yourself, you have to let the power of the words sink in. 

If you let your words of self-praise (or the praise you receive from others) bounce off your back, that means your self-criticism machine is still running your show.  As long as your self-criticism machine is running the show, you will not be able to attract into your life the things you really want. 


After repeating each phrase (listed below) to yourself, pause and allow yourself to actually feel the words. If you can't feel the words, go on to the next phrase and repeat the process. With practice you will feel the self-praise words you repeat to yourself and what you praise yourself for will become your reality. It is how the law of attraction works. Feeling are the first physical evidence that something (good or bad) is coming true for you depending upon the thoughts you are focusing your attention on the most.  If for some reason you cannot 'feel' the self-praise phrases, listed below, after saying them, create self-praise words of your own that you can feel. - Frederick Zappone  

(If these don't work for you, create your own)

I am really good at what I do, really good

I entertain people and make them laugh

People love my outrageous and irreverent sense of humor..

Feeling good about me makes other people feel good about me too.

I love living life spontaneously and watching good things unfold naturally for me.

I amaze myself at times, I am an amazing person.

I love never disappointing myself.

People love my stuff (writings, art, songs) and want more of it.

People pay me incredible amounts of money for me being just me.

I am blessed that people's misunderstanding me is a thing of the past. 

Without thinking about it, each choice I make for my body is a healthy one.

I am always excited about hearing from people because they always bring me good news.

My financial worth increases every day, regardless of what I do. Money is always 
circulating freely in my life, and there is always a surplus. - (This one courtesy of Robert Griswald )


This program explains why repeating positive words to yourself makes it  possible 
for you to attract what you want into your life with effortless ease.- Frederick Zappone


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