Sharing with you my life experience about creating one's personal reality the EASY way,,
How the Internet Made You a SCHMUCK!
Schmuck : a foolish or contemptible person. (Don't take being a schmuck personally, up until recently I was a schmuck too.)
The Internet has done many positive things for us but it has also turned us into 'thoughtless' schmucks. For example, it has changed the way we think. it has cheapened information to the point of making us think all the information on the Internet should be free.
The big guys (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin) are responsible for how you think today. They accomplished this by giving you all all kinds of goodies for free which has created the 'free mentality' in your thinking that little schmucks like myself cannot compete against.
They gave you free blogs, free email accounts, free apps, free games, free social communities, etc. They did this not because they are kind and benevolent people because they are not. They did this because they are manipulative, controlling, greedy people. They know how to use words to get you to do what they want you to do.
They are expert at making you buy things you don't need or want. They censor everything that does not promote their agenda and they know divisiveness and conflict supports their agenda of people coming back to their sites over and over again like a monkey chasing the man who owns the banana plantation. And as you recently discovered they are experts at influencing the outcome of political elections and then pretending like they like they had nothing to do with it. Give me a break, I might be a thoughtless schmuck but I am not stupid. I know a liar when I hear one...
When you visit or use the 'big guys' sites they control what you see and as a result they have the ability to make you believe FACT is Fact when often times fact is FICTION.
Worse than the big guys controlling what you read, think and believe, they have done another terrible disservice to you, they have made you suffer from ADD.
Just today, I read that because of the internet and big guys like Facebook and Google over 90% of the people who use the internet on a regular basis suffer from some form of ADD.
People with ADD have the attention spam of a gnat. They are always jumping from one thing to another looking for something to satisfy them. Nothing ever does because once ADD has a grip on you, there is no way out except for you to take a break from the things that created the ADD symptoms inside of you in the first place.
The cure to your ADD symptoms is to go 'cold turkey' without the internet for one week. If you do that, you will discover a new you, a more relaxed you, a less up tight you, a person who discovers that life is to be enjoyed one bite at a time rather than as a buffet line you rush through in five minutes or less.
One week away from the Internet and my blood pressure dropped 25 point, another week away from the Internet spent outdoors in nature and all signs of my ulcer completely disappeared.
Savor each moment of life like you once did.
I am... 😄
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