

Find the MAGIC in Your INTUITION.

Time and time again I see people trusting their logic more than their intuition. I see people shoving their intuition into the background of their life. Your intuition is that part of you that know the answers to whatever is currently troubling you right now and it knows the answers to your problems in this moment of time. The problem is people don't fully trust their intuition. As a result of people trusting their logic more than there intuition, people struggle with personal problems endlessly when struggling, tolerating or putting up with the unpleasant personal problems of your life is not necessary at all.

Another word for intuition is NATURAL KNOWLEDGE. - You know that you know and don't need any outside evidence to prove to yourself that what you know is the truth for you. Confusion and Not Knowing are very HIGH LEVELS OF human consciousness. After 'Not knowing' comes 'Natural Knowledge' where the answers you seek spontaneously enter your mind seemingly out of thin air.

If you have questions about trusting your intuition,
posts them in the comment section of this post and
I will answer them for you. - Frederick Zappone


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