

Trust Yourself

When you don't fully trust yourself, feelings of depression wash over you, you start losing hope in yourself and worry, fear and anxiety begin making a permanent home in your mind. The absence of trust, more than any other virtue, has doomed many good men and women to failure.

Trust yourself, trust you gut instinct, your hunches and those gentle impulses that wash over you from time to time. When you don't trust yourself, you begin looking outside yourself to other people to do for you what you can do for yourself. The problem is although there are people, out there, more than willing to be responsible for your life and save you from making mistakes, when you turn your life over to other people, you are no longer in control of your destiny, they are..

Trust yourself. If you don't know what to do next, do something even if it turns out to be wrong. If you do something and it turns out wrong, you will know what to do next that turns out right... Trust yourself because if you can't trust yourself, no one else will trust you either..

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