

Idiot's Guide for understanding the Economy

When you hear the words 'bad economy' spoken, what is happening is that a huge amount of money has
started moving spontaneously and rather quickly from one group of businesses and people to another group of businesses and people.

When someone says the economy is bad, the government doesn't take a trillion dollars out of the economy. There is the same amount of money in the economy as there was before Chicken Little yelled the sky is falling. All that is happening is that the money circulating in the economy is moving, unexpectedly and rapidly, from your wallet or pocketbook into someone else's wallet or pocketbook.

Your job when you hear the words 'bad economy' is to find out where the money is moving too and figure out how you can become part of that group of businesses and people who will benefit and prosper from this huge shift in money. If you want to thrive and prosper financially today, think global economy, not local economy, think Internet economy.

Making a living on the Internet is virtually recession proof if you understand that there is no such thing as a bad economy, only vast amounts of money moving from one group of people and businesses to another.

Successful businesses are built on friendship while businesses that fail forget
that it is the act of extending friendship to employees and customers, alike, that
make businesses successful in the first place. - Frederick Zappone




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