

Maggie's OMT Story

Frederick, I thought I would tell you what has happened to me. I think it is rather strange. I lost my job months ago and started a new job about two months ago. Initially I took the job because I thought that I would actually enjoy and like it. (and we all know the job market) I worked with some very nice people for a decent company. But as time went on I knew I wasn't getting any happier with the job. I took phone orders..a call center. So in between calls I would sit and write the "OMT" over and over and over again. I must have done it for a few days... and off and on after that. The most strangest thing happened. My X employer who basically fired me, called me. Almost begging me to come back. I have to admit I missed my old job, that I had spent years learning and doing and besides that was making good money. Well yes I accepted the job back, I came back to a huge mess that I have to clean up but I have done this before, it will be a challenge. But it was rather amazing about the "OMT"..... this is something that I felt never would have a chance of happening .. but it did. - Maggie.


  1. Hi
    What is the OMT word.
    sorry but i can't understand what it is


  2. Rana, Thank you for asking about the OMT word. Click on OMT word in Maggie's Story and it will take you to the page that tells you all about the OMT.

