

Making PAIN disappear without DRUGS.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this blog post is for educational purposes only. This message is posted with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering medical advice or mental health therapy of any kind. If you have a medical condition that requires immediate attention, please contact your doctor or your local healthcare practitioner. If you decide to apply any of the information in this message to your own life, which is your constitutional right to do so, the author is not responsible for the consequences of your actions.

The #1 thing that causes physical and emotional pain is lying to yourself about 'what is' negative in your life. It could be failure, disappointment, hurt, a lost job, lost money, lost love.  It could be depression or unrelenting stress. Denying the pain in your life causes it to fester and grow in size and power until it manifest itself physically. Lying to yourself about the pain in your life increases the pain in your life. Embracing the pain in your life, makes the pain disappear from you life.


Pain is only pain until you label it and if you label it cancer, heart disease, arthritis, then for you, you are contributing to your pain becoming what you label it to be...  Do I have any objective proof that what I just shared with you is true? Not a shred, only my subjective experience, over many years, that pain unlabeled will move, shift and eventually disappear from the physical body. 

Pain labeled, on the other hand, becomes stationary, fixed, unmovable, permanent, terminal, final or fatal unless it is cut out of you by a surgeon....and then if you don't change the way you think, chances are, you will create the pain again that will create the condition again..

All things in our lives are first created mentally, then physically. We either create things in our life by ourselves or we co-create things in our life with the help of others

When it comes to pain, what kind of fixed pain are you creating for yourself?  What kind of fixed pain are you co-creating with the help of others such as the medical profession or the drug companies?

Pain is ENERGY in your body. When it is trapped and not moving, it is becoming a physical condition. When it is moving, it is working for you, it is healing your body and eventually it will disappear from view.

I experienced a lot of physical and emotional pain in my early life as a result of negative events that happened to me outside my control. The pain from those events could have turned into physical disease but it didn't. Instead, I used the pain life threw my way to motivate myself to find a new way of thinking, a way of thinking that would allow me to turn my pain into unbridled happiness and joy. 

I found that new way of thinking and with it I created a life for myself full of joy, inspiration, happiness and success and you can too. Everything I have learned about 'feeling good, no matter what' is now available to you in my twice monthly newsletter by the same name.

My Feeling Good newsletter is for people who want to feed their minds thoughts that STRENGTHEN their immune system, inspire them to greatest and make their feelings bulletproof to the bad attitudes of other people.  If you want to make an investment in yourself that will pay you big dividends in terms of better health, over the years, subscribe now to my Feeling Good, No Matter What, newsletter.

-- Frederick Zappone


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