

Your Truth (Not Someone else's) Will Set You FREE


When something isn't working in people's lives, what most people do, out of pride, is deny that it isn't working. For example, no matter what you do, you cannot maintain a lasting, love relationship that works for you. Here is the problem, denying what is true for you keeps you living a lie and stops you from having what you want.  On the other hand, when you admit something isn't working that removes the lies from you life and sets you free to create what will be rather than repeating your past over and over again.

Lying to ourselves 'blinds us' to the things we're doing wrong that stop us from having what we want.

Q: How can I telling if I am lying to myself?

A: If you feel heavy, darker, somber or depressed, you are lying to yourself. If you are taking life too seriously, you are lying to yourself. If things aren't working out for you, If life is a struggle, if you feel powerless or ineffective in getting what you want out of life, you are lying to yourself.

Q:  How do I know when I am telling myself 'my truth'. 

A: When you are telling 'your truth' to yourself, you feel lighter and brighter. Telling 'your truth' to yourself makes you feel happier and more carefree.  Telling your truth to yourself makes you feel peaceful and content with yourself, happy to be ALIVE 

Here is the thing about your truth, it can be ugly as sin but if you are being honest with yourself, you will feel relieved, you will feel better about yourself.  It takes a lot of energy to deny our truth and when we come out of denial, we automatically feel lighter and brighter.


I was denying my fear that my free inspirational writings would never be good enough to cause people to donate money in support of them. That was my greatest fear and because I denied my 'negative' truth to myself, my fear had been, unwittingly, pushing people away from donating money to me in return for the value they receive from my writings.

In owning up to my truth that I did not know how to get people to support my writings with donations, I surrendered or gave up all thoughts and feeling that lived in opposition to what I wanted. In giving up the 'thoughts and feelings' I was denying, I made room for people to donate in support of my writings whenever they felt inspired to do so.

Another truth of mine that I denied was my anger. I was an angry person for years but didn't know it because I was in denial of it. The by-product of denying my anger was depression. Once I started telling myself, my ugly truth, about how angry I was and what I was angry about, my depression went POOF and I have felt lighter and brighter ever since.

My passion is inspiring and EMPOWERING YOU
with my words. In return your donations INSPIRE
and empower me. - Frederick Zappone

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