

Free is Priceless

People often say that "you get what you pay for." And if you receive something for free, then it can't be worth very much. That is true some of the time but not all the time.

The air you breathe is free but it is priceless because you can not live without it.

The sun that shines on you is free but it is priceless because it sustains your life.

Friendships are free but they're priceless because friends add so much to our lives.

The inspirational messages on this site are free but they are priceless because you cannot find these unique, one of a kind, "life affirming" messages anywhere else but here.

The problem with things that are free, like the messages on this site, is that often times we take them for granted. We don't value them as much as we should until they are gone and then it is too late.

CLICK HERE to KEEP "Spiritual Reflections" FREE.

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