

The Paper Dragon:


DEATH, no not that, anything but death.....

Death is a paper dragon! Harmless, without power, but the word "death" has so much power over people that they "REACT" immediately to that word....

Death for most people means FEAR. They fear death because they believe that is the worst thing that can happen to them.

How about the death of your disease?
(No, not you silly, the death of your disease.)

How about the death of lack and scarcity?
How about the death of a life without love?
How about the death of your problems?

Death means:

1. No longer in existence, use, or operation.
2. No longer having significance or relevance.

That being the case, the death of disease, poverty or lack of love in your life would be a very good thing for you, wouldn't it? The death of your problems would be a wonderful thing for you, wouldn't it?

The problem is, people cannot separate out the death of an undesirable condition in their life from the death of themselves.

Instead of allowing their disease or their problems to die, they keep them alive by feeding them with thoughts of fear, hopelessness and despair.

This way of thinking causes people to experience unnecessary pain and prevents them from seeing a solution to their problem that, often times, is but one thought away from them.

As Joseph Chilton Pearce stated in his groundbreaking book, "The Crack in the Comic Egg", death is the breeding ground of all fear. If you conquer your fear of death, you will conquer all of your fears. People die before their time because they, unconsciously, see death as a solution to their problems. Why choose to die when you can choose to have your problems die in your place?

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Spiritual Reflections Handbook: Click Here
(For people looking for soul-lutions beyond therapy and drugs)

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