

Seekers & Searchers

You know something is not quite right. You have known it for some time. You notice the uneasiness you feel. A vague feeling of restlessly and discontent. A feeling that something is missing but you don't know what it is. The world doesn't feel as safe to you as it once did and you don't like it one damn bit.

You find yourself feeling and thinking things that you share with very few people. At times, you have disturbing thoughts and dreams but you keep them to yourself. You show your best side to everyone, in public, but privately when you are alone with yourself, "something" is going on with you and you know something is amiss.

Since you don't understand what it is, you dismiss it, distract yourself from it, when you can, but it haunts, taunts and teases you. You are most aware of it late at night or in the early hours of the morning. Secretly, you think there is something wrong with you but can never put your finger on it. You continue to move forward with your life, hoping things will get better and that whatever is bothering you will simply disappear.

You find yourself searching for answers. Spending time visit "this site and that site" secretly searching for those elusive answers that you know will make everything okay for you. You have been searching for a while so it is no accident you found my site at this time in your life. What you are searching for is hazy and unclear to you, right now, so I will tell you what it is.

You are searching for your "authentic" power. A power you, unwittingly, allowed other people to strip away from you during your growing up year. A power you continue to allow other people to strip away from you even to this day.

You want that power back because you know it is your authentic power that will unchain your soul and set you free. Once you reclaim the "authentic power" you were born with, you will be able to throw always those pills and the other things you use, such as comfort foods, sex and alcohol, that get you through your nights and days.

How do I know these things to be true for you? I have been where you are at today. I felt exactly the way you are feeling now and I did something about it. I reclaimed my "authentic power" that unchained my soul and set me free and you can too! I wrote about it and put everything I know about reclaiming one's authentic power in two publications. This publication will unchain your soul and set you free beginning right now.

Spiritual Reflections Handbook

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great blog. I'm going to read your e-manual tommorrow.
