

Training By God

Is life difficult for you right now? Having money, relationships or health problems? If so, you are experiencing God's training program.

In the beginning until you understand what is going on, God's training program will be uncomfortable for you. In the beginning, you will think God is punishing you. This is simply not so!

God is training you for something BIG that will result in you having more love, health and prosperity in your life than you ever dared imagine possible for yourself.

God is training you to release all thoughts that cause you pain including any thoughts you have about him that cause you conflict in any way. Any thoughts you have about God that cause you pain or conflict are not from God. It's misinformation, about God, you received from your ancestors that causes you conflict.

God is in the process of setting the record straight with you in regards to how much he personally cares about you and how much he wants to give you everything your heart desires.

You have no doubt about God's ability to give you what you want. You are just not certain he has the desire to give anything to you. In reality, God wants to give you everything.

The pain you experience in God's training program is the tug-of-war that goes on between you and God and releasing thoughts that prevent you from receiving all the good things God wants to give to you.

God wants you to get in touch with the "divine spark" of his intelligence that lives within you. God wants you to depend on him for everything and when you do, whether it is love, health or money, he will give you everything your heart desires, in abundance.

God is in the processing of "weaning you off people" who let you down and disappoint you in so many ways. When you become fully dependent on God, you will never be disappointed again.

As long as you are holding onto thoughts about God and/or other people that cause you to suffer in any way, you can not experience the love, happiness, health and financial prosperity God wants to lavish upon you in this very moment of time.

Related Message: Ladder of "Knowing"
(Getting in touch with "divine knowledge" directly without needing a middleman.)

Spiritual Reflections Handbook: Click Here
(For people looking for soul-lutions beyond therapy and drugs)

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