

Word Weapons

I don't think you have ever considered the fact that words are weapons other people use on you to control your thinking and take your freedom away from you. A "word weapon" is any word or group of words used, on you, in a way that threatens or makes you feel insecure in any way.

Words are used as weapons more often than people realize. In fact, you are the person you are today because of the types of "word weapons" people used on you during your growing up years. These "weapons" were used to keep you in line and whip you into shape.

A Few Examples:

Words used as "word weapons" on children

If you do that I will become very ANGRY with you!

I will punish and send you to your room if you don't listen to me.

If you don't do this for me, it tells me you don't love me.

You don't love mother anymore!

If you don't get your homework done, you will be grounded.

God will punish you!

God sees everything (used as a threat)

If I don't punish you, God will!

Santa will bring you a lump of goal for Christmas.

A Few More Examples:

Words adults use as "word weapons" on adults


I'll kill myself if you leave me.

Your work is not up to my standards.

You can't live without me.

You need me!

Betty said something terrible about you.

The boss wants to see you, you're in trouble now.

If you don't worker harder, you might lose your job.

You don't deserve a raise.


"Word weapons" that seriously threaten a person's mental, emotional or physical health are the most damaging "word weapons" of all.

People who suffer from anxiety, fear and depression, more than is considered normal, are people whose minds are filled with lethal "word weapons" that were inflicted upon them during their growing up years

There are tons of "word weapons" people use on you everyday to make you feel threatened and unsure of yourself. I am sure you can come up with many examples from your own life.

The "word weapons" I got beat over the head the most with, during my growing up years, were "word weapons" my religion used on me. They used "word weapons" to keep me from thinking about God and spiritual things the way I wanted to think about such matters.

My religion failed to keep me in line with their threats of hell-fire and damnation and made me the free thinking spiritual writer I am today.


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