

Physical Pain

What do we know about physical pain and discomfort? For the most part, only what other people have taught us.

Essentially we were taught that any pain in the body could be a symptom of some physical illness or problem. That is what we were taught from the time we were a small child.

We were not taught that physical pain could be caused by our thoughts, how we think. We were not taught physical pain is nature's way of waking us up when our thinking is off-track.

We were not taught physical pain or discomfort is what we feel when we fail to heed the messages from our soul.

We were not taught physical pain is God's way of getting through to us when we ignore his more gentle methods of getting our attention.

If you thought differently about your physical pain and discomfort rather than what other people taught you to think about it, what a difference that would make in your life.

Additional Spiritual Resources: Click Here
(For people looking for soul-lutions beyond therapy and drugs)

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