

I'll never get it right!

Have you been trying to achieve something? Trying to make something happen. Trying to heal yourself of an illness? Attempting to create prosperity for yourself or make your relationship work? And no matter what you do, you can't seem to get it right!

You are trying too hard. Trying too hard is unattractive (does not attract) and pushes away from you the very things you want...

Without fail, everytime, you try to hard, you end up thinking that you will never get it right and the result of that thought is you end up feeling hopeless.

When you are "trying to hard", you are trying to be something you are not. On the other hand, when you are being yourself, what you want to happen in your life will happen naturally when you quit trying to hard.

Trying to hard is motivated by the fear that you will not achieve what you want. If trying too hard worked, then most everyone would have what they wanted because, the fact is, the majority of people go through life trying to0 hard.....


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