


If the word fabulous doesn't work for you, try one of these words:

aces, amazing, astonishing, astounding, bang-up, best, breathtaking, cool, crack, dilly, doozie, extravagant, fab, fantastic, first class, gone, greatest, groovy, immense, in spades, inconceivable, incredible, legendary, marvelous, mind-blowing, out-of-this-world, outrageous, peachy, phenomenal, primo, prodigious, rad, remarkable, spectacular, striking, stupendous, super, superb, terrific, top drawer, tops, turn-on, unbelievable, unreal, wicked, wondrous.

In the spirit of play, life is fabulous. It is when we take ourselves too seriously, especially our thoughts, that we lose touch with the magic, wonder and awe that life really is!

Come with me, a journey back in time when things were different for us!

As little kids....before our heads were filled with stuff that troubled us, life was fabulous. We didn't have much of a past to think about so we weren't burdened down by the past. The future wasn't something we concerned ourselves with because there was so much in the PRESENT MOMENT that "captivated" our attention and interest.

Life was so simple back then until we developed a thinking if a thinking mind is something to be proud of having. A thinking mind for most people is a troubled mind, always worried about something, always trying to figure out the answer to something and rarely, if ever, interested in being fully PRESENT in this moment of time.

This moment of time is all we have.

This moment of time is the only real moment in time.

All other moments are either memories from our past or imagined thoughts about our future.

Dropping our thoughts about the past and not concerning ourselves too much with the future sets us free to experience the magic of life again and know that in this very moment of time, life is FABULOUS for us!

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