

Everyday Magic

This copyrighted article contributed by Len Wright, Prosperity Prophet

If you have ever enjoyed watching an illusionist or magician and heard the gasps from the crowd when the "magic" alters their reality right before their will love this article.

Now...allow me to swirl my cape, wave my magic wand and begin to alter your reality with these words.....

What would you do if you had three wishes?

What if you had a lifetime of unlimited wishes to be granted upon your very request...just awaiting your comand?

Most people believe this to be only a fairy tale thought but this is the illusion that the majority live in, that their reality is fixed, not malleable or moldable.

Buying into someone else's reality chains your own intention in a self imposed prison of conformity. Thus sayings such as -I wish- are backed by an energy of doubt and this is what is manifested, more doubt. To use the natural gifts we have all been given is the most -real- thing we can do in and for our lives. Our connection with the universe, all that is, is the conduit for creating what we want in our lives and leaves us with an unlimited -personal wish granting- power. Very cool!

We are all fellow beings sharing this wonderful and curious treasure we call life. We marvel at the happenings, the syncronicities or coincidental events, the modern day miracles that shape our every day -magical- existence. Every moment is filled with the breath of life which is literally a miracle on its own. This, joined with the amazing and natural ability to become wizards at shaping our own paths...illusionists creating our own personal reality - moment by moment, whether we do this consciously or not is what life is all about.

With these thoughts in mind, are we hearing the -gasps- of amazement within the magic we work in our own lives? Are we -dreaming out loud- or have we melded into the melting pot of hum drum modern day drugery with -have tos- and -musts-?

Do we wow ourselves in awe inspiring gratitude by the way that we manifest or shape our thoughts? This is an important personal reflection not on what we are capable of doing, because that is wondrous, but what we are infusing into our existance and actually living.

Our outer world is a direct reflection of our inner worlds, so ask yourself ...what does your outer world look like? Are you happy, passionate, joyful, at peace and triumphantly marching towards your dreams? If your answer is yes, congratulations, fun...isn't it!! If not, this is the perfect moment to begin, to become who you really know yourself to -be-. Or this moment, or this one, what about this one...

Am I tweaking your reality, yet? Altering your inner world perception a bit?

I sincerley hope so! Tap into your god given power to manifest your wishes till your heart is content and more! Think about this for a moment....why would we as earthly beings be given the awesome creative power to dream such wonderfully realistic dreams of -what could be- and yet not be afforded the ability to conjur them into our outer world???

That would be similar to giving a child a suculant candy, seeing their mouth water ,their eyes widen in anticipation of that first taste, allow them to get a good lick and then grab it away telling them they can't have it!

We are loved, formed in the image of all that is, and we are powerful creatures. Request from yourself and set an intention for all that you wish, follow the road map of the universal laws of attraction and be in gratitude for the granted wishes that take place before you. Learn or more appropriately, -remember- the dormant ability that we all share, you already have it, learn how
to release it!

Thought-word-deed.....the road map to our personal treasure, our personal nirvana. It is how we are meant to enjoy life to soak up every moment in new and exciting experiences, this with each new breath is heaven on earth, start now... be thankful, be the change you wish to occur and shake hands with our abundant, loving universe!

Copyright (c) 2005 Len Wright
Prosperity Prophet

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