

Make no apologies

From time to time you might find yourself apologizing for something you said or did but never make an apology for being you. I find some folks go through life apologizing constantly for being themselves. Everytime you apology for being you, you are inferring that God, somehow, made a mistake when he created you.

People who apologize for themselves, often times, were abused as small children. As a result of this abuse they were left with the feeling they are worthless and have no right to take up space in this world. Furthermore, they are left with the feeling that they have no rights at all and what they want is of no importance while what everyone around them wants is of the utmost importance.

Everyone of us was born with equal rights with the right to become unequal depending on the thoughts we choose to think about the most....

If others don't give you the love, respect and appreciation you desire, give it to yourself and, in time, what you give to yourself when be reflected back to you through the eyes of others.

Remember, in God's eyes, you are perfect in every way.. Begin seeing yourself through God's eyes and soon you will begin seeing all the good things about yourself. Do not dwell on your imperfections because if you do they will grow in your mind and cover up the magnificent, powerful, loving person that you truly are...

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