

The Flow: Unblocking it...

If abundance in all forms, and in all areas of your life, is not showing up for you, chances are, you are unwittingly blocking the flow of all the good things you desire...

We block the flow of good things by not allowing the negative things in our life to pass us by...

There is not a darn thing we have to do with the negative things in our life except to allow them to pass us by. Notice negative situations and events and ALLOW them to pass you by.

Notice negative thoughts and feelings and ALLOW them to pass you by. The moment we do anything other than notice negative things and ALLOW them to pass us by, we give them power over us...

Negative things try to get our ATTENTION so we will FOCUS on what we don't have and on what we don't want. If the negative people and events in our lives are successful in getting us to focus on them, we end up have more things we don't want. That's why simply ALLOWING negative things to pass you by is the answer...

To find diamonds, you have to dig through the dirt. By keeping your FOCUS on the diamonds and allowing the dirt to pass you by, DIAMONDS will show up in your life..

When miners panned for Gold, they focused on the GOLD and paid very little attention at all to those pieces of dirt that were not gold.

Negative thoughts and feelings are the dirt; ALLOW them to pass you by and before you know it , your life will be filled up with diamonds and gold to overflowing...


"If negative thoughts and feelings persist in your life.....dig deep into them and you will find the diamonds and gold within those thoughts and feelings that are hidden from view."

"The only reason certain negative thoughts and feelings persist in our lives is because within them lies the very gifts we have been searching for."


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