

The God of Happiness!

God's will for us is to be happy in the "here and now".

I can personally testify God does not like us being unhappy because when we are, we no longer represent him in his image and likeness, accurately.

Most people don't think of God as being happy but put yourself in God's place, as the Creator of it all.

How happy would you be creating sunsets and sunrises for others to enjoy? How delighted would you be creating snowflakes and soft summer rains for your children to play in? How happy would you be creating rolling ocean waves and sandy beaches that make your children delighted to be alive? How happy would you be when the souls you created were happy too?

Do you know why babies are so happy and giggle at just about anything? Do you know why they live in wide-eyed wonderment about everything around them? They are fresh from being in the presence of God's happiness for them .....and when we look into a baby's eyes we briefly remember when God's happiness washed over us too.

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