

Circumstances = Mirror Part II

Circumstances exist in our lives for two reasons; one is for our enjoyment, the other is for our spiritual growth...

Life is a mirror and reflect back to us our thoughts, in the form of our circumstances, with 100% accuracy, all the time. There is no escaping this fact. The circumstances you do not like are for your spiritual growth which simply means discovering "universal truths" about the power of thought that work for rather than against you, every single time, without fail.

Most people keep looking to the circumstances of their lives to give them what they want rather than their thoughts. Our circumstances, are a result of our thoughts and until our thought changes, our circumstances will remain the same. Whatever thoughts you believe in the most become your reality.

If your belief in a lack of money is stronger than your belief in an abundance of money, then that is what your circumstances will reflect back to you. If your belief in a scarcity of love is stronger than your belief in an abundance of love, then that is what your circumstances will reflect back to you. If your belief in disease is stronger than your belief in robust health, then that is what your circumstances will reflect back to you. If you believe it is difficult for your thoughts to create for you what you want, then that is what your circumstances will reflect back to you.

The result of the thoughts we think can be instantaneous, that is potentially how powerful our thoughts are. Through the use of our thoughts, we can be in great pain one minute and pain free the next. Through the use of our thoughts, we can be without money one minute and swimming in it the next. Through the use of our thoughts, we can feel unloved and disconnected from everything one minute and in the next minute we can feel so completely loved and connected to everything, in such a powerful and intimate way, that we are moved to tears of happiness beyond words to describe, that is how powerful our thoughts are... Our circumstances, both the good ones and ones that are not so good are a result of our thoughts.. Thought creates our reality, there is no escaping it.

In order to "get" that your thoughts create reality, you have to give up GUILT for all time...because guilt is what you will feel when you trying to create with your thoughts and fail... Guilt is the "gatekeeper" that is between you and having the inner knowledge that your thoughts and your thoughts alone create your reality...

Do not feel guilty when you fail to materialize what it is you want with your thoughts. Creating with thought takes practice just as it take practice for a baby to learn to walk. If a baby felt guilty every time it attempted to walked and failed, the baby would never learn to walk. If you feel guilty every time you fail to turn your thoughts your reality, you will never learn to create what you want with your do not feel guilty and if you do, release guilt as quickly as possible...

Resistance to "what is" prevents people from turning
their thoughts into reality, resistance is the only thing..


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