

Question about Thoughts of Love

Question: Why is it the more I think thoughts of love, the more I experience thoughts in opposition to love?

Answer: The more you think thoughts of love, the more stuff it pulls from your subconscious mind that is not love. Thoughts of love are the LIGHT that draws out of us every fear, doubt, worry, insecurity and harsh judgment we have ever had about ourselves or others...

No one likes to think they have any of those qualities inside themselves but we do. The reason we have those qualities is because we secretly believed the LIES people told us about ourselves during our formative years; that we weren't smart enough, good enough or deserving enough.

People implying in any way that we were bad people, during our growing up years, and us accepting those criticisms in how other people controlled us. It is not their fault they raised us up to doubt, distrust and be afraid of ourselves. They raised us up as they were raised; feeling less than the powerful, magnificent, lovable human beings that they truly are.

As you continue to think thoughts of love, those thoughts will pull forth anything from your subconscious mind that is not love until all that is left is love and then watch how magical your life becomes..

When thoughts show up in your conscious mind that are not love, allow those thoughts to pass you by and they will not harm you in any way.

Resisting thoughts that are not love is what gives "unloving thoughts" power over you. That's why doing nothing but noticing those types of thoughts, when they show up in your mind, and allowing them to pass you by is the answer. In fact, it's the only answer that works every time without fail.


People who resist negative thoughts rather than allowing them to harmlessly pass them by eventually become hostile, abusive, bitter, destructive and very unhappy people. Don't judge those people, instead have compassion for them because now you know what they did, that did not work. that allowed them to become the people they were afraid of becoming..


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