

Are you an Unwitting Victim and Martyr?

Putting others first all the time
will only put you back at the end of the line.


If your life is hard or difficult or if people think you are the nicest person in the world but you feel all used up, you are putting other people first, all the time, at the expense of your own God given right to receive as much as you give.

If you give to others and expect nothing back from others, that is exactly what you will receive. This kind of thinking represent the mentality of the victims and martyrs of this world.

Victims/Martyr Mentality

"I take care of other people all the time, I am unselfish and never think of myself. I am a giver, not a receiver, I treat people right. I give of my time, talent and money to them as often as I can. I do this because I want other people to think I am a great person because, secretly, I don't really believe I am."

Did you know that the more you take care of yourself before all others, the more other people will appreciate you and think highly of you. The people who think of themselves first, in life, are rewarded the most. They have the most money, the most friends, the best health and the most fun in life.

Here is the interesting thing about loving yourself first. The more you love yourself, the more you will want to share that love with others. In return, people will sense your high level of self-esteem and they will be attracted to you and give you the things you want, often times, without you even asking them for a thing.

Treat yourself right; love your neighbor
as much as yourself, NOT more than yourself.

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