

Zillions of Books About Making Money

You can read a zilllion books about making money, in abundance, and none of the information in those books will work for you, if you are not doing what you love to do as a way of making your money.

Making money for money's sake pushes money away from us while doing what we love to do the most for money, attracts money to us. There is something absolutely amazing and astonishing about doing what you love to do when it comes to making money.

First, when you do what you love, the money follows naturally.

Second, when you do what you love, it doesn't feel like work, it feels like play.

Third, when yo do what you love, you always have an unlimited supply of energy.

Fourth, when you do what you love, you will want to live forever because you are having such a damn good time doing what you love to do as a way of earning your riches honestly.

If you are doing things for money that stress you out or make you unhappy, in any way, you are going against your own integrity in regards to money and this keep money, in abundance, at a distance from you, just outside your reach.

However, when you do what you love to do for money, you don't even have to worry about money ever, it will always be there for you when you need it, every single time without fail...

For some reason that I cannot explain when we are doing what you love to do the most in regards to making money, the Cosmic Banker, the source of all abundance in the universe, makes sure we are never without money.

I should know, I have been doing what I love to do the most, since 1998 with no guaranteed paycheck and money is always there for me. I don't even think about money, any more, because it is always there for me when I need it, in the amounts I need, and it is never late.

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