

Wisdom from Suffering

Suffering is not a bad thing nor is it all that painful... It the resistance to suffering that causes pain. What keeps people stuck in the "suffering mode" is their resistance to suffering. People hold their suffering at a distance like an enemy rather than a friend they have not yet met. Invite your suffering it, it will become your friend and share wisdom with you that will cause you to suffer no more.

When suffering comes to visit you, do not curse it, embrace it for it has much wisdom to share with you. Suffering won't kill you, it will make you a wiser, stronger and a more compassionate human being. All the wisdom I have gained in my life was a result of suffering first. I suffered and then wisdom flooded my mind that freed me from my suffering. These days, I compare my personal suffering to giving birth to a baby. A mother suffers much when giving birth and experiences great joy after the baby is born that makes all of her suffering worthwhile. The same is true of my suffering. My suffering is the mental and emotional labor pains I must go through before the birth of new wisdom can enter my mind that sets me free from my suffering and makes me a wiser, stronger, more compassionate human being...


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