

Acceptance Melts Away Stress

The #1 cause of people experiencing stress is because they are "resisting" something. The more they resist something, the greater the stress they experience. Stress dissolves automatically the moment people quit resisting.

A moment by moment acceptance of everything in your life will make it easier for you to create what you want. You do not have to like something to accept it. There are many things I accept that I intensely dislike... Acceptance melts away any feelings of dislike I have and allows me to stay FOCUSED in the present moment where I am putting my attention on creating the life I want rather than bitching, moaning and groaning about the life I have...

There is great power to be found by accepting, on a moment by moment basis, things as they are... Acceptance of "what is" in the "here and now" frees you up to make your future circumstances better than the circumstances you have today

Changing my thoughts, changed my life - My Story


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