

Prayer Activates the Law of Attraction

In 1979 my life was so tied in knots I started praying for a spirit guide to help me unravel the mess I made of my life and when I least expected it, a spirit guide showed up in my life. Once my guide showed up in my life, by listening to the wisdom and guidance my guide was giving me I was able to straighten my life out in no time flat..

Little did I know, at that time, my prayer for a 'spirit guide' * was my way of activating the power of the law of attraction in my life. The thing about prayer as it is with the law of attraction, in order for it to work for you, you must believe it will. If you don't believe it will, if you have doubts, then no matter how hard you pray or how much faith you have in the law of attraction, it won't work for you..

There are two types of beliefs; beliefs that will take you in the direction you want to go and beliefs that will take you in the opposite direction. Any beliefs that makes you feel good is a belief that is taking you in the direction of your dreams, wants and desires.

What you feel is more important than what you believe or think because your feelings, moment by moment, are telling you if your thoughts and beliefs are taking you towards your dreams or away from your dreams. Good feelings means your thoughts and beliefs are taking you towards your dreams and bad feelings means they are not...

If you want the law of attraction or prayer to work for you 100% of the time, trust your good feelings in all matters and dismiss your bad feelings as not worthy of you.

Frederick Zappone

For information about Spirit Guides (Angels), Click Here


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