

Thoughts that don't work (Add yours to the list)

1. Asking the question 'why' repeatedly will only make you feel worse.
2. The unwillingness to accept you don't know when you don't know.
3. Thoughts of blame towards yourself and others.
4. Judging something negative closes off all possibilities of it turning positive.
5. Thinking worry will solve anything.
6. Caring more about what people think of you than you care about people.
7. Focusing on what you don't want will give your more of the same.
8. Not trusting your feelings to tell you which thoughts strengthen you.
9. Thinking anyone else, including Bill Gates, has more power than you do.
10. Thinking money is power when it only symbolizes power.
11. Forgetting your are so powerful that only you can make yourself feel powerless.

Add your thoughts that don't work to the list by leaving a comment


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- Frederick Zappone

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