

The Ugly Excuse

The ugly excuse is that one excuse that keeps us from being happy right now. This excuse is based on the mistaken belief we have to have something (or have something go our way) to be happy right now. The sad thing is whatever excuse we use not to be happy right now is what stops us from being happy right now... It is the excuse we made up and believe in with our whole heart and soul that stops us from being happy right now... and because we believe in our excuse, with our whole heart and soul, there is no way we can be happy right now unless we get what we want or get our way


GIVE UP OUR EXCUSE as a reason for not being happy now...

The moment we give up our excuse, we immediately begin to feel happy.

It is not the things we want that stops us from being happy right now, it is using those things as a condition for our happiness that stops us from being happy right now.

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