

People can be ADDICTED To feeling Bad

Granted, it is not logical to be addicted to feeling bad but their are people addicted to feeling bad as much as some people are addicted to drugs or cigarettes... The addiction to feeling bad is a function of ego not getting its way and believing if you feel bad enough you will eventually get what you want. All you will ever get from feeling bad is feeling worse until you just want to die or end up committing suicide...

Reprogram your mind to understand feeling bad is always an ALERT SIGNAL letting you know your thoughts are taking you in a direction you do not want to go.


  1. What do you mean by reprogram your mind?
    How do you stop the addiction?

  2. Addictions are driven by thoughts running on automatic pilot outside your current conscious control. These addictive or habitual thoughts live in your subconscious mind. Reprogramming means to replace addictive negative thoughts with thoughts that allow you to feel good, no matter what. I just recently released a publication titled: Bullet Proof Your Attitude which was written to help people reprogram their minds. Go to this link to find out more about it.
