

Your Thoughts

1. Everything in your life is created from your thoughts, no exceptions.

2. There are your thoughts and then there are the thoughts of others. Sometimes you create from the thoughts of others by giving them more power in your life than your own thoughts.

3. Thoughts that make you feel good are the only thoughts worth thinking about. Thoughts that make you feel bad are always taking you away from what you want.

4. Life is not hard, it is only the thoughts you choose to focus your attention on that makes life hard.

5. Underestimating the power of your thoughts to create the life you have is your only weakness.

6. When you underestimate the power of your thoughts you give the bad ones the opportunity to take over your mind and rule your life. To take back control of your mind focus exclusively on thoughts that make you feels good and leave alone thoughts that feel bad to you.

7. You do not defeat the thoughts you do not like by resisting or fighting them. You defeat them by allowing them to harmlessly pass you by like clouds in the sky..

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