

Here come Da Judge!

The most severe judge in your life is you.

Did you know that it is the judgments you make about yourself that cause you pain? When you release the judgments you hold against yourself your pain will begin melting away from your life immediately.

Many of the judgments you hold against yourself are the judgments others made of you and then you adopted their judgments of you as your own.

You are such an expert at judging yourself that it is you who judges that God judges you when, in fact, God judges you not...

When you give up judging yourself in all ways you will discover you are perfect in every way. Once that happens, you will finally begin seeing yourself as God sees you, magnificent, powerful and lovable to the core, an unique one of a kind spiritual being, being human for awhile, never to be duplicated again.

Related Article by Frederick Zappone

From Judgments to FREEDOM

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