

Life is not always LOGICAL

One of the things that gets people in trouble is having too much faith in logic and not enough faith in the law of attraction. For example, logics say if you work harder, you will make more money. I know many people who have told me the harder they worked, the less money they made.

Here is another example, it is not logical to give money away to make money and yet I know people who have gotten rich by tithing. In other words, the more money they gave away, the more money that came back to them multiplied.

I know people who did the logical thing to lose weight and ended up losing no weight at all or worse yet, got fatter. I have had many people tell me the harder they worked at becoming a better person, the worse they got. Not logical but true nevertheless.

Because logic fails us on so many levels, I suggest to people that they focus their energy on doing 'what works' instead. If it logical and it works, great, if it is illogical and it works, great. The important thing is to FOCUS on doing 'what works' and when you do that whatever you do will work for you..

The #1 tip that something will work for you is when you feel good about doing it.
The law of attraction states you cannot attract something good to yourself by feeling bad. And you cannot attract something bad to yourself by feeling good. The reason for this is because you can only attract what your thoughts are a vibrational match to. Another way of saying this is, like attracts like.

The mind is not always logical, your feelings are. Good feeling means your thoughts are taking you in the direction of what you want. Bad feelings means your thoughts are taking you in the opposite direction, away from what you want.

Feeling bad pushes good things away from you while feeling good draws good things towards you, it is how the law of attraction works.

Here is one more thing that is not logical to do and that is to request your copy of the One Magnificent Thought in exchange for a donation that supports my full-time work up on this blog. It is not logical to give money away for something sight unseen but people are doing it and finding out the
One Magnificent Thought is a powerful tool in helping them effortlessly attract to themselves the good things they want..

People are so busy surviving they don't see it is their very own
thoughts that are keeping them from prospering and thriving.

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