

One Powerful Law of Attraction Thought

I really like that with the One MAGNIFICENT Thought principal, I don't have to make it work, and it removes burdens from my mind to "do this right"...It is automatically right. - Virginia S., Florida

The law of attraction is based on the thoughts we think. The things we think about the most are what we attract to ourselves. The One MAGNIFICENT Thought, as simple and profound as it is, is the most powerful law of attraction thought I have discovered yet. - Frederick Zappone

The Magnificent Thought that ATTRACTS

The reason
the One MAGNIFICENT Thought is such a 'Magnificent Thought' is because it does the 'attraction work' for you, without any effort or struggle on your part required, if you ALLOW it too. It will make things right for you in regards to money, health and relationship matters, but you must allow it to.

If you are feeling uptight, stressed out, or tense, you are NOT allowing the 'Magnificent Thought' to work on your behalf. On the other hand, if the 'Thought' is working for you, you will feel lighthearted, relaxed and carefree because that is exactly what you will feel when you ALLOW it to work for you.

Did I tell you allowing the "One Magnificent Thought ' to work is what makes it work. You just have to gently repeat the 'One Magnificent Thought' in your mind as you feel the need to do so and then get out of the way and allow the results you want from 'thinking that thought' to show up in your life naturally...

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