

Telling Yourself the Truth..

Question: How does a person know when they are telling the truth to themselves?

Answer: When a person is telling the truth to themselves they feel lighter, brighter and more carefree. When a person is lying to themselves they feel heavier, darker, somber and depressed. People are programmed to lie to themselves a great deal of the time and that's why people feel bad so much of the time. You will never feel bad when you are telling the truth to yourself, instead you will feel RELIEF.

Question: With the law of attraction and positive thinking stuff aren't I always suppose to tell myself I feel great even if I am not feeling great. In other words pretend with myself that things are wonderful when they are not..

Answer: It is not about pretending, it is about telling yourself the truth. For example, if you are trying to convince yourself your life is great when it is not, lying to yourself will make things worse for you.. When I have had periods where my life sucks, and I have, I told myself the truth that it sucked. In telling myself the truth that my life sucked, it set me free to create a future life that is today is magnificent beyond words to describe.

Whatever thoughts you think that make you feel lighter, even if you judge those thoughts to be negative, are the right thoughts for you. Thought that make you feel good, in accordance with the law of attraction, will attract good things to you. Keep in mind what is considered a negative thought by one person is a positive thought for another person if that thought gives a person RELIEF and allows them to feel better than they did a moment before.

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