

Two Law of Attraction Stories

Story #1

Life is hard, nothing I do works, no one understands me. I know God hates me but I don't know why. I'll never get this law of attraction stuff right... I am not smart enough to prosper financially. Everything I do is hard. I hate myself, my life sucks...

Story #2

Life is easy, everything I do works, people easily understand me. I know God loves me and that allows me to love myself with effortless ease. I understand the law of attraction and it is so very easy for me to make it work in my favor. I am smart person and become smarter every day and as a result I prosper more and more every day in all ways including financially. Everything I touch turns to gold. I love myself, life is good - all is well.

The moral of these two law of attractions stories is this:

The stories we tell ourselves
about our life creates the life we live.

The law of attraction is constantly responding to the stories we tell ourselves about our life and brings into our life the evidence we need that allows us to prove to ourselves that the stories we tell ourselves about our life are, indeed, the truth about our life never to be questioned again.

A pitiful story will result in a pitiful life.
A glorious story will result in a glorious life.

If you don't like the way your life is, tell a new story about your life and as surely as day follows night the new story about your life will become, with a little bit of time and patience, your new reality.. It can be no other way for it is how the law of attraction works...

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