Mr Frederick,
It's funny you should talk of the homeless because I was one of them for almost two years! I just got my own place this month, Oct 1st. I became homeless March 23, 2007, people talk of homelessness like it's just another word, but I'm hear to tell you it isn't. It's a very serious matter and getting worse every year and extremly demoralizing.
I'm being treated for several pychological problems right now and sometimes i react to things in a irattional/judgemental way and i do apologize for any harsh words i said to you..please forgive me. I just got back from one of my counselors as a matter of fact. My vehicle just broke down last week and had to drive my scooter in the rain to my apointment, can't get any help with repairs so i have been testy to say the least. I will continue to read your articles as they do help me get through days even when the worst seems to happen. - Tom
Thank you for the apology... You've now got me in your corner and no more of a loyal and trustworthy friend will you find than me. Tom, I don't want to embarrass you in any way but if you give me permission to post your e-mail address up on my blog, people who want to financially help you out and are in a position to do so will have a way to contact you...
Best Regards,
Tom is to be congratulated for pulling himself up by the boot straps and having a place to call home again.. I know what Tom is talking about, I too was homeless at one time. Not for as long as Tom but long enough to know that most homeless people are good people. Any help you can give Tom including words of encouragement, money or money equivalents I know will be greatly appreciated by Tom and his family..
I have secured Tom's permission to provide you with his e-mail address so if you want to contact him directly and help him out... here is his address:
Here is a picture of Tom and his family moving into their apartment after being homeless for almost two years. I ask his permission to share this photo with you because I believe if you put a face to a person's story, people are more apt to extend a helping hand. If you are in a position to help Tom with your time, talent and money, please do.
You can write Tom directly at:

You can double click on the picture to see a larger size of it.
Here is a picture of Tom and his family moving into their apartment after being homeless for almost two years. I ask his permission to share this photo with you because I believe if you put a face to a person's story, people are more apt to extend a helping hand. If you are in a position to help Tom with your time, talent and money, please do.
You can write Tom directly at:
You can double click on the picture to see a larger size of it.
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