

Your Disbelief Is In The Way

I believe in the law of attraction, so why isn't it working for me?

Your disbelief is in the way. A disbelief is any thought in your subconscious mind that lives in opposition to what you 'consciously' want. For most people, genuinely believing in the law of attraction to effortlessly attract to themselves what they want is a new belief not yet anchored in their subconscious mind.. It is in their conscious mind but until it becomes rooted in their subconscious mind they will have little success in attracting to themselves what you want.

Question: How do I make my conscious belief in the L.O.A. become rooted in my
subconscious mind?

Answer: That's easy, use the power found in
One Magnificent Thought to dissolve the disbelief rooted in your subconscious that is preventing the law of attraction from working in your life with effortless ease.

"One Magnificent Thought' has the power to remove any and all subconscious blocks to your success including your deeply rooted subconscious DISBELIEF related to the law of attraction. Here's how.

When you repeat the 'One Magnificent Thought' to yourself, if you find you are experiencing resistance or opposition to the 'One Magnificent thought' that indicates there is some self-sabotaging thought lodged in your subconscious mind that is preventing you from having what you want.

By gently repeating the 'One Magnificent Thought' to yourself as you are in touch with 'what you are feeling' you will become conscious of what that self-sabotaging thought is. Once you are aware of what your self-sabotaging thought is, it will be easy for you to replace it with a thought that allows you to attract to yourself all the good things you want with little or no effort at all.

People are so busy surviving they don't see it is their very own
thoughts that are keeping them from prospering and thriving.

E-Mail Blog Author Frederick Zappone, Click Here

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