

Sometimes You Attract Gold, Others Times POOP

My thoughts attracts everything that happens to me, no exceptions. I didn't come to this conclusion over night but over time I did.. There were just too many consequences tied directly to my thoughts that it made it impossible for me to deny that my thoughts attract back what happens to me.

I slipped today, did not listen to my own advice, felt negative and attracted negative things into my life including a note from some anonymous person telling me that my head was so far up my ass that he seriously doubted that I would ever see the light of day again.

While what he said stung a bit, the law of attraction was simply doing its job with a hundred percent accuracy as it always does and brought back to me a reflection of my thoughts today that I could not deny..

While I didn't like the criticism I received from this anonymous person, it did WAKE ME UP and let me know I had gone far astray with my thoughts today..

To correct the situation, I decided to find some humor in the insult and imagine what I would look like if my head was actually up my ass. I didn't have to look far. All I had to do was Google images on the internet and immediately the picture that brought a smile to my face and lightened my mood a bit was this one..

Granted seeing what you would like with your head up your ass is a bit disconcerting however it certainly shakes you out of a bad mood in a hurry. Now that I know what I would look like with my head up my ass, I think I would rather keep it out of there and pay attention to the beauty and love that surrounds me everywhere including this picture of a gorgeous sunset taken by Jim Blandford.

Jim is one of the folks who requested and is using the One Magnificent Thought in his life that has made such a difference in my own life which includes my ability to laugh at myself when someone insults me out of left field like someone did today.

Hmm. I wonder if that guy could breath while his head was where the sun don't shine! He definitely has to win the award for being the best dressed person with his head up his ass. :)


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